Why is Indoor Air Quality So Important in Construction?

When you think about building safety, security systems, following local construction guidelines, and emergency exits probably come to mind. But there is a more subtle, yet equally dangerous safety concern: bad air quality. Indoor air quality impacts the health of everyone inside your workplaces and homes. Anytime you breathe, your indoor air quality has the potential to impact your health. 

During construction projects, many pollutants can be released and harmful materials can be used which could impact your indoor air quality, and health, for years to come. Make sure you get a contractor who takes these steps to minimize harmful air pollutants on work sites. 

Why does air quality matter? 

We spend over 87% of our time indoors, yet so few of us focus on the air quality inside of homes, offices, and public spaces. Indoor air quality impacts our health in the short and long term. 

Some of the short term effects of bad indoor air quality include dizziness, irritation of throat, nose, and eyes, headaches, and fatigue. In the long term, poor air quality can lead to a variety of chronic illnesses including respiratory conditions, heart disease, and cancer. 

How construction impacts air quality

Due to the health impacts, you want to make sure you pay attention to the air quality in your indoor spaces. Air quality should be taken into consideration from the initial construction of your space and during any renovations. 

Bad air quality can be caused by a variety of factors including building materials, household cleaning products, tobacco products, central heating and cooling systems, and excess moisture. While some of these, such as what cleaning products you use,  are within your control, others are in the hands of construction and renovation teams. The equipment and materials they use can impact your air quality for years to come. Using the wrong caulk, paint, carpet, flooring, or adhesives can cause air quality problems down the road.

Minimizing air quality risks

There are a couple strategies to reduce the risk of poor air quality during construction projects. The first is early identification of any hazards. A contractor or construction expert should inspect the air quality before beginning a project. They can identify any sources of air pollution and remove them during the construction or renovation project.

A good contractor will also be looking for source substitutions when possible. For example, if one type of paint is known for emitting toxic particles into the air, they will choose a safer, less hazardous paint instead.

While working, a good construction or renovation crew should practice proper ventilation and source encapsulation techniques. Source encapsulation ensures that the harmful toxins don’t escape into other parts of the building. Ventilation increases the amount of outside air coming in  so strong odors and hazards don’t linger inside your buildings.

For some projects, it may be unrealistic to completely eliminate indoor air pollutants. When this is the case, you can minimize exposure by allowing a period of ventilation before reentering the work area. This period can last anywhere from 72 hours to 2 months depending on what materials are being used. 

Air quality is a serious health concern and should be considered for any renovation or construction project. Don’t be afraid to ask your contractor what they will do to ensure good air quality on worksites. Any good contractor should have a plan to combat any hazards or harmful pollutants. 

Carlton Building Services in Hampton Roads Virginia

Carlton Building Services specializes in repairs, maintenance, renovations, remodelings and build-outs for a variety of clients in Hampton Roads, Virginia. We have years of experience handling projects in the retail, office, and healthcare space and would love to work with you on your next project!

To learn more about our services, check out past project highlights or contact Carlton Building Services to see how we can help with your next project. 

JP Carlton

J.P. Carlton

J.P. Carlton is the founder of Carlton Building Services, a Hampton Roads-based construction company.