How To Prevent The Spread Of COVID In Construction
To prevent the spread of COVID at construction sites the government has put out a list of important guidelines that can help. Among the techniques used to control the spread of the virus during construction jobs is improving the air quality and maintaining a high standard of hygiene.
Government Tips For Preventing The Spread Of COVID At Construction Sites
Here is a summary of the tips that OSHA has provided as guidelines:
Wearing masks and PPE gear that protects not only from job hazards related to construction but also helps to prevent the transference of the virus from airborne particles from saliva and other bodily fluids.
Maximizing the social distancing of the workers with as much space between individuals as the construction job allows.
Improving hygiene through frequent hand washing and cleansing of shared equipment with EPA approved alcohol-based cleaning products and wipes.
Any sick workers must be sent home and not allowed to return until their symptoms improve especially if their symptoms are signs of COVID such as coughing, sneezing, and fever.
In-person meetings must be kept as short as possible and with maximum social distancing. Meetings should be conducted digitally through information sharing technology whenever possible.
Innovations For Preventing COVID In Construction
Use these modern innovations to help prevent COVID in construction.
Air Scrubber
Air scrubbers are a kind of air purification system that assists in ventilating enclosed areas and removing potential pathogens from the air including COVID-19. An air scrubber attaches to the HVAC system and works alongside the ventilation system to “scrub” the air, removing germs and airborne particles. This helps keep the air clean at construction sites inside of buildings and trailers.
Zip Walls
Zip walls are already used in many construction sites to prevent dust from the construction from getting everywhere, but they are now being used to help create a barrier between workers to ensure their safety and protection from the virus. Many construction companies already have zip walls in their arsenal of tools so it is an easy and affordable solution to incorporate them.
Microbicidal Paints
An awesome modern innovation to paint for the inside of buildings is microbicidal paint that kills many types of bacteria. This kind of paint does not allow germs and bacteria to stick to the surface, making it safer to use for interiors in this pandemic era.
Hepa Vacuums
HEPA vacuums are more powerful at fighting the spread of disease than regular vacuums because they must meet a certain standard when it comes to removing particles from the air. HEPA vacuums do a great job at eliminating small particles from the air including airborne bacteria that leads to infection.
Vacuum-Assisted Sanders
Vacuum-assisted sanders, used for sanding drywall and wood, minimizes the dust particles in the air and helps to keep air quality safe and clean. Using vacuum-assisted drywall sanders keeps the number of dust particles low so that workers can breathe a lot easier. It also makes cleaning up the residual dust from sanding a lot faster meaning that maintaining a clean construction worksite will be easier.
Improve Cleaning Procedures During The Pandemic
Carlton Building Services knows how important it is to businesses and workers to stay safe and minimize potential losses due to the spread of the pandemic. Improving cleaning procedures can be one of the most powerful ways to reduce the spread of COVID at job sites. We are a resource that you can look to when you have questions about managing COVID in construction as we are expertly trained in the codes and standards for Virginia based construction projects during this difficult time.